Brand strategy | PR | Copywriting

conferences + events

I’ve produced, planned, and hosted events large and small throughout my career. I’m passionate about helping companies and individuals strategize, promote, and plan events, including conferences, gallery openings, film screenings, and more.

Selected list of events I’ve supported:

  • House of Beautiful Business (think tank focused on promoting a life-centered economy)

  • PechaKucha Night (global short-form lecture series founded in Tokyo)

  • Center for Architecture & AIA events, film nights, and multi-day symposia, Portland, Oregon

  • SagaCity Media’s Root Awards Program

  • Museum of Architecture, London (speaker)

  • and many more


“You dove into the crazy wild stream with grace and generosity and I always appreciated your clarity and focus.

From PR to speaker comms to chat mastering and so much more, thank you for raising your hand and being part of the team!”

head of curation + community, house of beautiful business

2024 offerings

While I’ve served every role in marketing & PR possible for architecture firms across the US, I’m now offering a very selective menu of services:

  • Brand strategy — I help you unpack & define the Mission, Vision, Values behind your event.

  • Copywriting & high-level messaging — I help you write promotional copy, whether for web, print, or social media, to help you sell out your event

  • 1:1 consulting — I offer limited 90-minute deep-dive strategy sessions for event and retreat leaders that are struggling with positioning, marketing strategy, PR, website copy, and social media.

fun fact

I’ve worked most of my career behind-the-scenes, promoting and supporting visionaries and artists. However, I’ve also led numerous workshops around the world, and have written and presented speeches in front of 100s of people.

My PechaKucha talk about my trip to Tokyo to meet the founders of PechaKucha won “Presentation of the Day” from the global PKN community.


let’s collaborate

Are you struggling with messaging and connecting with your target audience?

Let’s talk about how I can help you with refining your brand, messaging, and copy.


Sustainable design


Hotels + Travel